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*Subjects include Contracts, Torts, Real Property, Constitutional Law, Remedies, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Federal Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Corporations, Agency, Partnership, Community Property, Wills, Trusts, Professional Responsibility, California Civil Procedure, California Evidence, Conflict of Laws, Family Law, and Secured Transactions.
**Essay Banks are not available for Conflict of Laws, Family Law, and Secured Transactions, but they are included in Proponics.
The basic ingredients.
Power Videos and Essay Banks are the core of PowerLaw.

Power Videos
Concise video lectures that "power" through the law in about 90 minutes

Essay Banks
Over 120 past fact patterns accompanied by model answers and/or video debriefs**

And more
Phased study plan, exam strategies (Pro and Basic), online, on-demand, any device
Take a peek for yourself.
PowerLaw is our best-selling, most affordable online study portal that hosts concise video lectures in 21 subjects and robust essay banks.
Event Bank
Pro and Basic plans include access to our Event Bank, where you will find all of our past webinars and online summits on demand. available to you on-demand. Rewatch Dr. Saccuzzo's predictions, detailed predictions, and other events as many times as you like.

What makes a Pro a Pro? Proponics.
PowerLaw Pro includes access to our Proponics Learning Environment for Law (a $129 value); hence, the "Pro." Proponics is our online, interactive law outlines that let you control the law (and the pace at which you study it).

Jessyca Henderson
"I appreciated the big box program I enrolled in for what it offered - but while that was all blunt force, Proponics was surgical in approach - exactly what I needed when I needed it. ... I am truly grateful for the Bar Secrets materials and highly recommend them."

Luis Blanquez
"[I]nnovative and unique ... This program combines structured interactive outlines, with concise and to-the-point lectures, together with hundreds of model answers to previous bar exam questions."

Mercedes Garcia
"English is not my native language and this tool has been the best for me. I feel it is so much better than any other commercial program out there. I listened to the lectures and read all the model answers and you were so helpful providing perfect details and tips."

Kendra Clark
"I highly recommend this program to anyone who does not have the time or wherewithal to sit through other all-day programs and needs to continue on with life while also preparing for the bar."